
The purpose of this blog is to help us to set goals, to be more organized, and to do more things that we want to do.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lesson 5 - Plan Your Activities

Plan Your Activities ahead of time before you do it. It means plans what you think you going to do this week and write it down. It does not have to be exactly time to do, but this will give you a lot of things DONE.

Use the print out from this week in the previous post to plan your activities.

Good Luck and Work On!!!!!!

Weekly Task Sheet 10-09-2006

Below is the weekly task sheet.

Weekly Task Sheet 10-09-2006

Friday, October 06, 2006

Lesson 4 - Write Down Your Long Term Goals

This assignment is should be eacy. Just do it and you don't have any homework.

What you need to do is prepare a blank sheet of paper. With a pen, draw two lines horizontally to divide your paper into three equal sections.
  • The first section, write 0-5 years.
  • The second section, write 5-10 years.
  • The third section, write 10-15 years.
Now, each section write a minimum of three goals that you want to accomplish with those years. Of course, you could write more than three goals if you want.

Note: this is for Long Term Goals. It could be simple, but be realistic. For example, I want to own my own home.

Good Luck, and Have a Good Day.


Monday, October 02, 2006

Lesson 3 - Log Your Activities

How you doing so far?

missed some task?
planned some task but did not do?
write out what is the reason did not do it?

Well, I know it is not easy to follow what you are doing? But, to better yourself, you have to commit on what you plan to do, and try to find time, remove the laziness, to do IT.

Review - You should rewrite your new weekly task list on a new piece of paper, cross out the ones that you finished. Keep it with you all the time.

Log your activities (for a week)

This task sounds like a lot of work, but you will be amazed on how much time you have or how much time you spent on things you do, chores, and playing.
  • Print out this TIF link or this PDF file.
  • At night before you go to bed, write down what you did every day. ( i.e. from 8-4 work, 4-5 drive home, 5-6 tv, ....)
  • Put this on a small folder/note book so you won't lose it.
Due next Monday 10/09/2006!!!